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Orange Baby Bok Choy Veggie Medley

Orange Baby Bok Choy Veggie Medley

Total Time: 30 Minutes | Prep Time: 10 Minutes | Cook Time: 20 Minutes | Servings: 4

2 cloves of garlic
2 bell peppers
3 stalks of celery
2 baby bok choy
3 oranges
1/2 cup of snap peas

1. Heat a large frying pan to medium heat and drizzle with oil.

2. Mince garlic and slice peppers, celery, and baby bok choy. Add to vegetables and snap peas to frying pan.

3. Drizzle with the juice of 3 oranges and saute for approximately 20 minutes or until vegetables are fully reduced.

4. Allow to cool and serve.

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