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Caprese Quesadillas (Vegan)

Caprese Quesadillas (Vegan)

Total Time: 15 Minutes | Prep Time: 5 Minutes | Cook Time: 10 Minutes | Servings: 1

1 whole wheat tortilla
2 campari tomatoes
2 leaves of fresh basil
1/2 cup of vegan mozzarella

1. Slice one campari tomato and dice ice fresh basil.

2. Lay out tortilla flat. Sprinkle with vegan mozzerella and top with tomato slices and basil.

3. Fold tortillas in half and press gently to keep quesadillas from opening.

4. Place tortillas into a frying pan and cook for 5 minutes per side on medium heat or until each side is lightly browned.


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